Sunday, May 23, 2021



                                                               Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

 We are all aware of the covid-19 situation.  Coronavirus has taken a toll on the lives of mankind. The scientific name of Covid-19 is a well-known term for the earth. We have seen a massive transition in our world during tf Corona is Ortho Coronavirinae. This virus can be defined as respiratory disease and some intestinal problems are also caused for this virus. Sometimes, I think that the almighty has become so angry with mankind and we are affected by this virus as the outcome of God's wrath on us. Now, we are undergoing the second wave of this virus. We are losing our near and dear ones who suffer from this disease. This virus is affecting the younger age group of people. It is attacking children also. Nowadays, we see that people succumb to this disease within 2-4 days unlike the first wave of this virus. In the first wave, we got the time of 14 days for doing our treatment. The second wave is more fatal than the first one. Unbelievably, the severity of this virus is increasing day by day. We have lost our normal life due to this virus. But we can stop spreading this virus or we can also say that we can break the chain of this virus by following some health and fitness regime. we have to take a proper diet, we have to do physical exercises and give up laziness and inactivity. We ourselves are responsible for getting affected in a large number by this virus. We are welcoming this disease as we are not becoming enough conscious. Still now we are not maintaining social distance or not wearing our masks properly. Besides, we are not doing exercises and spending a lazy, dull life. We are taking a good lesson from this difficult situation that we shod be disciplined and love ourselves beside loving others we love and respect. We are all aware of the fact that this disease has a terrific power to ruin our lives and we must be positive. We should strengthen our minds to drive away this virus. we have to boost our immunity power to to fight against this deadly virus. 


We should move our body parts to be active and improve our muscles. We should not sit in one place for hours together. In old days, people used to walk, they would do their house hold works on their own. Today, we are having so many advantages and our work loads have become zero. We are always in a relaxed mood and not doing our works on our own and even we do not want to move our body a little bit . We no more want to take a walk, to take stairs. Instead, we prefer to use lift, drive cars.
We should not forget that exercise helps to circulate blood in our body properly. It strengthens our muscles, it  aids in supplying oxygen in a proper way in to our body. It  makes our body flexible. It makes us strong so that we can fight against any kind of disease. It helps to improve our immune system. Covid or Novel corona virus  seriously affects our respiratory system. Our lungs capacity is increased by doing exercises. AN optimistic attitude towards life with exercise can bring us a healthy life. exercise activates our heart muscles and therfore, our heart becomes able to pump blood smoothly. Exercise is good for each and every part of our body. 
Covid virus causes a respiratory disease called ARDS. Its full form is Acute respiratory distress syndrome.  It is a terrible lung injury in which breathing becomes very hard for the patient and enough oxygen can not get into the lungs.ARDS is produced by viral pneumonia. According to ARDS is viral pneumonia induced acute respiratory distress syndrome.      This deadly covid is responsible for developing lung injury or ARDS complication that is seen to increase higher mortality rate.   We can save ourselves by an antioxidant known as Ecsod .  We know it as extracellular superoxide dismutase.  This anti-oxidant can save us from ARDS and keep our lungs healthy. We all  know that physical activities produce anti-oxidants and it is required to do some exercises that can aid to produce ECSOD.    

           3.        Exercise can bring us a good mood or a happy mood     

We all know that this pandemic has taken our happiness away from us. We are losing our jobs. We are going through stressful life and we are having some swings of mood. our mood is not always happy when we open the daily newspaper and see painful news that are created by Coronavirus.  Exercise can improve our moods by producing such"happy hormones" or" feel-good" hormones. These hormones are dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin.

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

 4.People with sedentary lifestyle may suffer the high risk of covid-19

when browsing through the internet, and doing research on my topic, I have come to know that people having a sedentary lifestyle are at twice risk of infection.  Inactive people who love to do nothing except sitting and watching movies have a major risk to get infected quickly by this life-threatening virus. while doing exercises each and every organ of our body works and gets stimulated and energized. Then they have the power to fight diseases.  A sedentary lifestyle invites diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc. This unhealthy situation can also bring depression. If anyone is having diabetes, heart problem, etc. corona will be more harmful to him or her. We should exercise regularly to reduce risk of covid-19        

4.   How should we exercise during covid-19 pandemic 

 Most of the offline yoga classes or gym centers have been closed during the severe spread of coronavirus. In this situation, people can not join the yoga classes or gym. We can go out for a morning or an evening walk. We can take a cycle and spin around our locality or ride on our cycles as far as we want to go. cycling is also an enjoyable exercise. Cycling or walking on the roads amongst nature is really joyful. We can also jog or run. We can do yoga at our homes. We can also do some other exercises. Those who attend office or doing work from home can get up from their chairs for five minutes and do some stretches and walk a few steps in their rooms or office.

               5.        How to exercise at home during covid-19   

We are afraid of stepping out of our house during this pandemic. We are hesitating to go anywhere. There is a lockdown in some places also. In this kind of situation, we can take some workouts at our home. We can watch tv or some videos to learn Yogas and Pranayamas. There are so many Yoga or pranayama videos on the internet available. We can also join some online yoga and pranayama classes.  We can also take a walk on roof of  our houses. That is also a good exercise. We can also do some freehand exercises and stretches at home. We can start doing some household works such as sweeping and cleaning the floor, cleaning walls, furniture, etc.  We can do some yoga asanas at our homes.    

          6.     Yoga poses for increasing immunity against coronavirus         

  Yoga is the heritage of our India. We should do yoga on a daily basis to improve our lifestyle and immune power. In ancient times, sages used to do yoga poses. Yogas that can boost our immunity against deadly coronaviruses are----------

1.   Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)
2. Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)
3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
4. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)
5. Dhanurasana(Bow Pose)
6. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
7. Pawanmuktasana(wind release pose)
We can do some Pranayamas like Kapalbhati, Bhastika, Anulam-belom, Bhramri.
 We can also do deep breathing. 
                                                           Photo by tabitha turner on Unsplash

                 7.       Should I do Yoga during Covid?   

We can do simple deep-breathing exercises if we have mild symptoms of covid. But we must consult with doctors before doing exercises when suffering from covid. The symptoms may be severe, then also we need a doctor's advice before doing any kind of exercise or yogas or pranayamas.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Seven Health benefits of eating cucumber/Nutritional benefits of cucumber

        Health benefits of eating cucumber/ Nutritional benefits of eating cucumber          

Our parents are always caring for us. My father and my mother-in-law always want me to be fit and fine.  They always tell me to go for a morning walk, take exercises daily and eat healthy fruits and vegetables. They also recommend eating cucumber for its awesome benefits. When I was young, my father used to cut cucumber and make salad for us with tomato, onions, and sprinkled lemon juice and salt over it. The whole family ate it after eating meals on a holiday and enjoyed it a lot. After my marriage I got my affectionate mother-in-law who also make this salad for me and my husband. After eating a delicious meal with chicken curry we must need a salad with cucumber which is very tasty. Now, whenever I visit my father's house, he does not forget to make the cucumber salad for me. My little brother and sister also love this salad.  

Health benefits of cucumber
    We all are aware of the fact that vegetables are indispensable in order to keep our health good. Nowadays, we have become very much concerned about our health. Good health means everything to us. We can not do anything or in other words, we can not be successful without good health. If we are unwell, we become dependant on others. Sometimes we become a burden. Our near and dear ones become so much anxious about us when we become insane. SO it becomes really important to have good health. Vegetables can provide us minerals, fibers, vitamins and other nutrients to serve us fine health. The scientific name of cucumber is Cucumis sativus. Cucumber is an ancient vegetable. It is found in many countries of the world. America is the fourth-largest producer of cucumber. It is grown especially in a hot climate. In India, cucumber grows very well in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu etc. It is grown all most all over India. Most of the people know the health benefits of cucumber. They also have the habits of including cucumber in their diet as salads, curry. Cucumber can be used both as a  fruit and a vegetable. There are many kinds of cucumber. Cucumber has found a permanent place in cuisine all over the world. 

   Health benefits of cucumber            

Cucumber has low calories. It contains water, vitamin c, k, fiber, magnesium, protein, minerals.

cucumber is rich in anti-oxidants.



cucumber health benefits


                                    Cucumber and diabetes         

Nowadays, most of us suffer from diabetes. Cucumber is very helpful in controlling type2 diabetes. we all know that fiber helps to control blood sugar level in our body by not allowing the sugar to absorb in our body.cucumber has a low glycemic index which is responsible for controlling blood sugar. cucumber's glycemic index is 15 which is considerably low. One of the health benefits of cucumber water is  adjustment of blood sugar or controlling blood sugar in our body. We should eat cucumber or drink cucumber water in order to manage carbohydrates in our body.



                                    Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash


                                            Cucumber and weight loss      

Our present-day life is full of business, too much workloads is always giving us a threat. Too much competition makes our lifestyle a sedentary one. We are obsessed with our studies, job and we do not have the time or will to go out or take a walk or we do not want to do some normal exercises. besides, we are habituated to take junk foods. These have caused obesity which has become the cause of our anxiety. Now, cucumber can help to reduce extra body weight or have a flat tummy. Cucumber contains low calories. It can be a very good snack item whenever we feel hungry. Eating cucumber will satisfy our hunger and we would not be craving for other unhealthy snacks which may increase our obesity. But cucumber should be accompanied with other healthy diet items as cucumber is not alone sufficient for having full nutrition.

Lemon and cucumber juice is good for weight loss but we must consult a dietitian before starting any diet.

                                            cucumber for skin             

A cucumber can improve our skin health. It can rejuvenate and nourish our skin. It contains vitamin c which is good for our skin health. Cucumber improves sunburnt skin. If we wash our face with cucumber water, we can get a skin without blemishes and a glowing one. Cucumber can be used as a scrubber. Cucumber is full of water so it can keep our skin hydrated. Cucumber can be called a natural scrubber. Cucumber is very helpful to remove dark circles under our eyes. Cucumber can keep our skin protected against dark circles.

                                                 Cucumber for digestion              

In the present scenario, we can see that people are forgetting to take care of their health due to a lot of pressure of work. They are suffering from the problem of indigestion. Eating junk foods is a reason for indigestion. Cucumber can reduce acidity. We can also consume cucumber with yogurt which may be helpful. But we should not eat cucumber in large quantities. we should eat it according to the severity of acid reflux.

                     Cucumber hydrates our body

We all know that water plays a vital role in order to keep our body hydrated. Cucumber is full of water content so it can keep our body hydrated.

                                           Cucumber for bone health           

cucumber is a miraculous fruit. It is also responsible for improving our bone health. We may have problems due to low bone density. Cucumber contains silica, vitamin k, and calcium which are very good nutrients for our bones.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Six awesome and incredible Health benefits of curd/dahi/yogurt

                        Incredible health benefits of yogurt


  • Introduction 
  • what is yogurt
  • Health benefits of yogurt
  • yogurt helps in digestion
  • yogurt controls blood pressure
  • yogurt and diabetes
  • yogurt/curd and calcium
  • curd/yogurt for skin  
  • curd for hair
  • curd and weeight loss
in our modern world, we have become so much busy in our work and for this reason, we are undergoing a stressful life. Our environment has become very much polluted we are becoming ill. But at the same time, we have made ourselves very much health-conscious which is a very good thing. We are learning about various diets, medicines, exercises in order to keep our health strong. The more we are physically or mentally strong, the more we can boost our immunity. There are so many nutritious foods that can keep various diseases away from us. There are many kinds of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc. Among dairy products, yogurt/curd is one of them which has so many surprising health benefits. Yogurt is also called curd. It is also called Dahi. In this blog, I have tried to incorporate advantage of yogurt . This blog topic is about eating yogurt daily. Yogurt is made from milk. If we have. Yogurt in our meals daily, it becomes a bit easy to fight diseases that come suddenly in our lives. Yogurt can be used as a diet of various diseases. If we can include two hundred to one hundred grams of Dahi/yogurt in our meals daily it will be Beneficial to us. We can keep ourselves free from diseases.
                          What is yogurt/curd? 

Yogurt is also known as yoghurt which is obtained from milk. Bacterias help to ferment lactose and produce lactic acid. Mostly, we get or consume curd/yogurt made from cow,s milk. Yogurt/curd contains protein, fat, phosphorus, vitamin, vitaminB12, and many more nutritive ingredients.  It is also a rich source of vitamin 'c'.Curd/dahi/yogurt also has a probiotic ingredient or helpful bacterias. These bacterias ruin harmful bacterias and thereby helps digestion. As a result, immunity is also boosted in our bodies.
                                      Health benefits of yogurt 

Yogurt/curd can be considered as a substitute of milk. If one is facing the problems of diarrhoea or stomach ache while consuming milk he/she can take curd or yogurt. Again, people who can not digest lactose in milk can take yogurt/curd. Surprising health benefits of curd are as follows------
                  Yogurt helps in Digestion

Nowadays, we can observe that most of the people are suffering from indigestion. Indigestion becomes some times painful. If our food is not digested properly, we can not have the nutrition value of those foods. Curd does not allow to accumulate toxins in our body. So, our stomach becomes clean and we are relieved from constipation. It helps us to get rid of irritable bowels and ulcers. Curd can be considered as a natural coolant that is responsible for improving taste along with digestion. There are some people who think that curd creates acids as it is soury. But, actually, curd destroys acid by digesting other foods. As a result, we can take curd freely without being worried about acid. Curd cures stomach ache. Curd can also cure different kinds of stomach infections. It helps to cure food poisoning including the symptom like dehydration.

Curd controls blood pressure

Yogurt is supposed to be good for you. It helps to control the problems of high blood pressure. It lowers the quantity of 'LDL' or bad cholesterol in our blood. Curd/yogurt may be good to fight the problems of heart disease or high blood pressure.

 Yogurt and diabetes  
Yogurt helps to control sugar level in our blood. Yogurt having probiotic ingredient is known to reduce Glucose level in blood. It helps espeially type-2 diabetic patients. 
                                                           Yogurt and calcium
                            Among Dahi benefits, we can talk about calcium as onme of them. We all know that curd//yogurt/dahi is a rich source of vitamin 'c'. The women above 40 can have curd to get sufficient calcium for bones. Curd can prevent Osteoporosis. Curd is required to strengthen our bones.  It is also good for our teeth. If we have to have strong teeth, we should consume curd. Curd also helps in strengthening muscles.

                                                    Curd for skin
In this blog, we will be knowing benefits of eating curd for skin. It is already mentioned that curd is enriched with vitamin 'c' and minerals.  It can fight with the problems of acne. Acne or other skin problems may rise from gastrointestinal problems. We know that curd keeps our free from constipation and allied problems. So, we can get healthy skin from curd. Curd gives us a glowy, moisturized skin
Lactic acid present in curd cleans dead cells. Curd acts as an anti-aging ingredient on the skin. It helps to get rid of wrinkles. We can apply it on our skin As a face mask or face pack. 

                                             Curd and hair problems
         Eating curd has some benefits. Curd also helps us in all kinds of hair and scalp problems. It removes the problem of itchiness of scalp and dandruff. Curd gives us smooth, shiny, and freeze-free hair. It gives a gloss to hair. Curd controls vitamin b5, zinc, magnesium.
                                                                curd helps in weight loss
Now, we will all discuss about curd and weight loss. Curd obstructs the hormones that are known for creating extra fat in our body. Calcium present in curd/dahi helps to reduce extra fat and curd can keep the level of BMI(Body mass index) accurately and manages extra weight.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Awesome benefits of eating Almonds

                                                      Almond benefits 

awesome benefits of almonds

Our mother earth is blessed with so many beautiful things. She nurtures our lives by her own strength and affection. Nature is just like our own mother. Nature has dedicated her whole energy to our growth and happiness. Our nature mother ends herself entirely in protecting us. Almonds are one of the valuable resources of our beloved nature mother. Almond health benefits are countless. Almond is bestowed with the goodness of nature. The scientific name of almond is Prunus Dulcis. Almonds are seeds of almond trees. Almond is a fruit having great nutritious values. Everyone wants to have almond benefits. Our present blog is all about the various benefits of almonds. In this blog, I have tried to explain the good qualities of almonds as much as I can. So, let's start----

                                              Constituents of Almonds 

We can find almonds in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu etc. Farmers harvest almonds from August to October.   Almonds can be taken as healthy snacks or with our meals. Almonds are good to consume in pregWe can get vitamin E, protein, fiber, magnesium, calcium, polyunsaturated fat from almonds. Almonds are a source of fiber.

                                         Effects on health   

Almonds are nice in taste. It is sweet. At the same time, it has a good effect on our health. It is good for our skin, hair, heart, brain. It also helps in reducing weight, controlling diabetes. Almonds are also responsible for reducing cholesterol. America is considered to be the largest supplier of almonds in the world. According to " European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition" almond is a common snack which helps in postprandial

awesome benefits of almonds

glycemia, reducing hunger, fasting blood parameter. Almonds are good to consume in pregnancy also. According to' Journal Of Medicinal Plant Studies' Almonds can be consumed in the problem of anemia. Almond seeds also remove constipation. 

                                 Almond effects on brain 

There is a good impact of almond on our brain. Almond benefits for brain are so many. There are people especially aged ones who suffer from cognitive decline. They can not remember, concentrate or learn new things. Almonds help to boost the functions of memory. Almond which consists of so many nutrients along with omega3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids known to solve the brain problems like not being able to concentrate or remembering anything. we can add almonds in the list of brain foods like walnut, cashews etc. Almond has the quality to improve retention power. It combats Alzheimer's disease. Almonds really help in improving mental alertness. 

                                 Almonds effects on skin 

We all in the present scenario are very much health and skin conscious. If our skin looks healthy and beautiful, we feel the happiness from within. If our skin looks dull, we get mentally depressed. Some times, we do not feel happy. A bright skin is appreciated to all. Almonds are full of antioxidants and are rich sources of vitamin 'E'. Vitamin' E' is essential for our skin. Almond rejuvenates our skin. It helps to protect the aging of our skin. It helps to get rid of the problems of acne, pimple, sunburnt, etc. We all can get a soft and supple skin. 

                                           Almonds for hair  

We all crave for a beautiful, long and shiny hair. A beautiful hair has a great effect on our personality and appearance. We need omega3 and fatty acids to strengthen our hair. Almonds contain vitamin E', fatty acid and omega 3 and help to promote hair growth, shine and volume. Consuming almonds or applying almond oil on our hair. We can have soft hair. We can also stop hair geying with regular use of almonds. 

                                Almond reduces weight 

Almonds is a healthy snack. Taking almonds between meals makes us feel fully satisfied and our stomach becomes full without making us fat and there is less chance to have much food after eating almonds and almonds are full with health fats which help to reduce the whole body and belly fats. Therefore, we can lose belly fats with almonds. 

                                              Almonds lower blood sugar   

Nowadays, most of the people are affected by diabetes. Intaking raw almonds lower the blood sugar level. But if a patient is having a normal diet, he/she should consult with a doctor before having almonds because almonds also have calories. Taking almond is helpful in type -2 diabetes. 

                                                          Almond benefits for heart               

We will also know" almond benefits for the heart".Almonds keep our blood vessels healthy and almonds are capable of reducing heart disease risks as almonds are rich in ani-oxidants. Almonds help to control blood pressure and it also regulates a good blood flow. Almond can lower 'bad cholesterol' or LDL 

                                                 Almond in pregnancy.  

As an expected mother, I have personal experience of the benefits of eating almonds. My dietician also suggested me to eat soaked almonds. Almonds are rich in magnesium, fiber and calcium. Almonds help to retain a healthy weight gain of both mother and baby. Almonds also help in the formation of bones. It digests food easily. 

                                              Disadvantages of eating almonds 

Almonds are very good for health. But excessive amount of almonds intake is not good for us. We should always consult a doctor and a dietician before taking almonds. Excessive consumption can lead to a nervous breakdown, the problem of breathing, it may bring death also.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

How To Fight Corona Virus


protection against virus

      Definition of coronavirus    

Novel Corona Virus or Covid-19 has become a terror to humans. It has become a familiar term to all of us. It has entirely changed our day to day routine life. in the present scenario, we all are going through a tough time. Our environment has become very much polluted with the appearance of the Corona Virus. It is just like God's wrath on mankind. Now, let us have a small introduction of the Corona Virus. What Is Corona Virus? We can define the Corona Virus as respiratory disease and it also causes some intestinal problems. The scientific name of Corona is Ortho Coronavirinae. Corona Pandemic finds its origin in Wuhan, China. 

                                                   The symptoms of Corona Virus         

Corona Pandemic can be identified with symptoms such as fever, cough, cold. The most common symptom is fever. We may also experience tiredness, sore throat, aches. We may have shortness of breathing, some respiratory problems. Nowadays, vomiting and stomach problems are also identified as Corona Virus Syndromes. 

                                                       How To fight Corona 

Now, it has become a large question of how to combat giant Corona. We all have to challenge this worldwide threat. Our "Corona Fight" starts with cleanliness. We should always be neat and clean. We should always wash our hands with soaps especially before taking meals. We should sanitize our hands with sanitizers in the absence of water and soap.

For details about how to make homemade sanitizer see this link; hand sanitizer

When we are coming to our home from outside, we should wash our clothes, take a bath with shampoo and soaps and then enter our rooms. If bathing is not possible all the time, we should at least change our clothes and wash them with detergent, wash our hands and feet with soap and water nicely. We should do some exercises at our home regularly like walking, light jogging, meditations, Pranayams, etc. Anulombilom, Kapalbhati are some useful pranayams. We should take plenty of water. Fluids must be present in our regular diet. We should eat citrus fruits such as lemon, Guave, etc. which are rich sources of vitamin 'c'. We should take healthy and nutritious foods. We should avoid spicy fast foods. We should take plenty of vegetables in our meals. We can take nuts also. We should also have to take proper sleep and rest. W e can also drink some milk as it is the source of multivitamins. Corona Virus is a communicable disease. It is transmitted in humans from coughing and sneezing of an infected person through air. So, we must wear a mask while going outside or talking to people who come from outside in our houses. If one is identified with the Corona Virus, he/she must take rest, consult doctor, live in isolation at least for fourteen days. A patient's bathroom must be kept separated if possible only for the patient. Patients should have a regular touch with doctors. It is suggested to drink lukewarm water and doing gurgle. We should clean and disinfect our houses. Sanitizing plays a vital part to fight Corona. These are some small" Corona Virus" tips that will help to protect ourselves against the virus. We should keep our children isolated from Corona affected persons. If one is having fever continuously for 4-5 days he/she should immediately go to doctors and test Corona if advised by the doctor. Diabetic patients must take care of themselves. 

protection against virus

                                                 Corona Vaccination

There is a large question about the" Corona Virus"  world wide. The whole world is trying to invent vaccine to confront COVID-19. Finally, Russia becomes the first country to invent Corona Vaccine.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Home made Sanitizer

                                           How to make sanitzer at home

           In the present scenario, we all are going through a tough time. There are serious issues on health world wide. Mortality rate is increasing day by day in’ Novel Corona Virus’. Our environment has become infected. Now a days, we all  have become familiar with a term “sanitizer” or “ Hand Sanitizer.”  In the past days, we were not so much concerned with health and hygiene and  also  we did not sanitize ourselves or buy sanitizers as now we are doing. We all have become well acquainted with ‘sanitizers’. People have become6 very much aware cleaning themselves and washing their hands with sanitizers. People are also making natural sanitizer. Sanitizers are very useful to us. It has become a part and parcel in our lives. We can’t think of anything without sanitizing ourselves with sanitizers. The more we use sanitizer the more we will be able to keep germs and infections away from us. We cannot live without sanitizer as we can’t  without oxygen. 


 Before coming to homemade sanitizer recipe, we should know the definition of sanitizer. Now, what is sanitizer? Sanitizer can be liquid or gel in form. It is a kind of disinfectant  used to  destroy  germs and remove dirts. Sanitizers can kill germs within five minutes. Sanitizer are of two types----alcohol based and alcohol free. Alcohol based sanitizers is mostly effective. Sanitizer can be used when soap and water  are not available. When we are outside our houses we can’t get water and soap available always. We can carry it easily in our ofiice bag or purse. Hand sanitizer is also known as hand antiseptic, hand rub etc. We can make sanitizer easily at our home.  Sanitizer removes  disease causing organisms. 70-90% of alcohol is recommended sanitizers. Glycerin can also be used in sanitizers for soothing effects in hands. Some sanitizers contain beautiful fragrance which soothes our minds. Sanitizing our hands is much important before taking meals. Sanitizers can be found in medicine shops, hospitals, and doctors in their chambers keep sanitizers. Massive use of sanitizers creates scarcity in the market. Price of some sanitizer brands is also high. Sanitizers have also opened a door of doing business to all.

                                                                How to make Home made sanitizers

If there is a lack of supply of sanitizers in the markets, we can have the option to make sanitizer at home. This will be our own sanitizer. We also have to put the habit of using soap and water while washing our hands because only sanitizers are not enough to kill germs or protect us from diseases. So, water and soap are necessary. Nature offers us a number of disinfectants. We can use resources of nature to make alcohol free sanitizers at home. Our nature mother has blessed us with many precious things. We have to discover them. Our nature has the power to fight with all diseases and pollution. Nature helps us in many ways. We can resort to our nature in order to get rid of pandaemic,’corona virus’. There are many simple methods to make homemade natural sanitizers. Natural sanitizer is free from any side effects but it will be better if we use it in an adequate quantity. We do not need to take excess quantity of sanitizer.

                                                       HOME MADE SANITIZER



Ingredients are very  easy to find. Most of the ingredients can be seen in our homes also.

                                                Water-----  1 liter

                                                Tulsi------- 15-20 leaves. Tulsi means Basil  leaves. Its scientific name is Ocimum Tenuiflorum.

Neem--------- 20-25 leaves. Scientific name-------- Azadirachta Indica. It is also known as Indian Lilac.

  Camphor---------- 2 small cubes.  It is scientifically known as Cinnamomum Camphora 

    Alum------ a little quantity. Scientific name of Alum is Potassium Aluminium Sulphate.



 Making this herbal hand sanitizer is not difficult at all. We can follow the following steps.

Step 1---  Take Neem and  Tulsi leaves in a pan and pour water into it.

Step2-------- Boil it until the quantity of water is reduced to half. The colour of water will be changed.

Step3--------  After boiling, we should pour the water into a pot using a strainer. We should  cover the pot to make it cool. When the water is cooled, we can mix Alum and  Camphor  in  it. We should make the dust of Alum and Camphor so that it well mixes with  the water. After that the water can be kept in  a bottle. In this way, we can make sanitizer at home.


The above mentioned ingredients are medicated especially Neem  and  Tulsi. We all know that ‘Neem and Tulsi’ have some medicinal values.

Neem----  Neem is a disinfectant. It gives relief from rashes, skin problems and protects us from germs and bacteria.

Tulsi-------  Tulsi is used to make  us free from caugh and cold. It has an antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal  medicinal value.

Camphor------- It is a killer of virus, bacteria and it is believed to be a room sanitizer.

Alum---------- It is an antiseptic.


We should take all the cleaned pots or utensils to make  “Home made natural hand sanitizer” .  Before making it we should we should clean our hands well.