Sunday, August 16, 2020

How To Fight Corona Virus


protection against virus

      Definition of coronavirus    

Novel Corona Virus or Covid-19 has become a terror to humans. It has become a familiar term to all of us. It has entirely changed our day to day routine life. in the present scenario, we all are going through a tough time. Our environment has become very much polluted with the appearance of the Corona Virus. It is just like God's wrath on mankind. Now, let us have a small introduction of the Corona Virus. What Is Corona Virus? We can define the Corona Virus as respiratory disease and it also causes some intestinal problems. The scientific name of Corona is Ortho Coronavirinae. Corona Pandemic finds its origin in Wuhan, China. 

                                                   The symptoms of Corona Virus         

Corona Pandemic can be identified with symptoms such as fever, cough, cold. The most common symptom is fever. We may also experience tiredness, sore throat, aches. We may have shortness of breathing, some respiratory problems. Nowadays, vomiting and stomach problems are also identified as Corona Virus Syndromes. 

                                                       How To fight Corona 

Now, it has become a large question of how to combat giant Corona. We all have to challenge this worldwide threat. Our "Corona Fight" starts with cleanliness. We should always be neat and clean. We should always wash our hands with soaps especially before taking meals. We should sanitize our hands with sanitizers in the absence of water and soap.

For details about how to make homemade sanitizer see this link; hand sanitizer

When we are coming to our home from outside, we should wash our clothes, take a bath with shampoo and soaps and then enter our rooms. If bathing is not possible all the time, we should at least change our clothes and wash them with detergent, wash our hands and feet with soap and water nicely. We should do some exercises at our home regularly like walking, light jogging, meditations, Pranayams, etc. Anulombilom, Kapalbhati are some useful pranayams. We should take plenty of water. Fluids must be present in our regular diet. We should eat citrus fruits such as lemon, Guave, etc. which are rich sources of vitamin 'c'. We should take healthy and nutritious foods. We should avoid spicy fast foods. We should take plenty of vegetables in our meals. We can take nuts also. We should also have to take proper sleep and rest. W e can also drink some milk as it is the source of multivitamins. Corona Virus is a communicable disease. It is transmitted in humans from coughing and sneezing of an infected person through air. So, we must wear a mask while going outside or talking to people who come from outside in our houses. If one is identified with the Corona Virus, he/she must take rest, consult doctor, live in isolation at least for fourteen days. A patient's bathroom must be kept separated if possible only for the patient. Patients should have a regular touch with doctors. It is suggested to drink lukewarm water and doing gurgle. We should clean and disinfect our houses. Sanitizing plays a vital part to fight Corona. These are some small" Corona Virus" tips that will help to protect ourselves against the virus. We should keep our children isolated from Corona affected persons. If one is having fever continuously for 4-5 days he/she should immediately go to doctors and test Corona if advised by the doctor. Diabetic patients must take care of themselves. 

protection against virus

                                                 Corona Vaccination

There is a large question about the" Corona Virus"  world wide. The whole world is trying to invent vaccine to confront COVID-19. Finally, Russia becomes the first country to invent Corona Vaccine.

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