Health benefits of eating cucumber/ Nutritional benefits of eating cucumber
Our parents are always caring for us. My father and my mother-in-law always want me to be fit and fine. They always tell me to go for a morning walk, take exercises daily and eat healthy fruits and vegetables. They also recommend eating cucumber for its awesome benefits. When I was young, my father used to cut cucumber and make salad for us with tomato, onions, and sprinkled lemon juice and salt over it. The whole family ate it after eating meals on a holiday and enjoyed it a lot. After my marriage I got my affectionate mother-in-law who also make this salad for me and my husband. After eating a delicious meal with chicken curry we must need a salad with cucumber which is very tasty. Now, whenever I visit my father's house, he does not forget to make the cucumber salad for me. My little brother and sister also love this salad.
Health benefits of cucumber
Cucumber has low calories. It contains water, vitamin c, k, fiber, magnesium, protein, minerals.
cucumber is rich in anti-oxidants.
Cucumber and diabetes
Nowadays, most of us suffer from diabetes. Cucumber is very helpful in controlling type2 diabetes. we all know that fiber helps to control blood sugar level in our body by not allowing the sugar to absorb in our body.cucumber has a low glycemic index which is responsible for controlling blood sugar. cucumber's glycemic index is 15 which is considerably low. One of the health benefits of cucumber water is adjustment of blood sugar or controlling blood sugar in our body. We should eat cucumber or drink cucumber water in order to manage carbohydrates in our body.
Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash
Cucumber and weight loss
Our present-day life is full of business, too much workloads is always giving us a threat. Too much competition makes our lifestyle a sedentary one. We are obsessed with our studies, job and we do not have the time or will to go out or take a walk or we do not want to do some normal exercises. besides, we are habituated to take junk foods. These have caused obesity which has become the cause of our anxiety. Now, cucumber can help to reduce extra body weight or have a flat tummy. Cucumber contains low calories. It can be a very good snack item whenever we feel hungry. Eating cucumber will satisfy our hunger and we would not be craving for other unhealthy snacks which may increase our obesity. But cucumber should be accompanied with other healthy diet items as cucumber is not alone sufficient for having full nutrition.
Lemon and cucumber juice is good for weight loss but we must consult a dietitian before starting any diet.
cucumber for skin
A cucumber can improve our skin health. It can rejuvenate and nourish our skin. It contains vitamin c which is good for our skin health. Cucumber improves sunburnt skin. If we wash our face with cucumber water, we can get a skin without blemishes and a glowing one. Cucumber can be used as a scrubber. Cucumber is full of water so it can keep our skin hydrated. Cucumber can be called a natural scrubber. Cucumber is very helpful to remove dark circles under our eyes. Cucumber can keep our skin protected against dark circles.
Cucumber for digestion
In the present scenario, we can see that people are forgetting to take care of their health due to a lot of pressure of work. They are suffering from the problem of indigestion. Eating junk foods is a reason for indigestion. Cucumber can reduce acidity. We can also consume cucumber with yogurt which may be helpful. But we should not eat cucumber in large quantities. we should eat it according to the severity of acid reflux.
Cucumber hydrates our body
We all know that water plays a vital role in order to keep our body hydrated. Cucumber is full of water content so it can keep our body hydrated.
Cucumber for bone health
cucumber is a miraculous fruit. It is also responsible for improving our bone health. We may have problems due to low bone density. Cucumber contains silica, vitamin k, and calcium which are very good nutrients for our bones.