Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash
We are all aware of the covid-19 situation. Coronavirus has taken a toll on the lives of mankind. The scientific name of Covid-19 is a well-known term for the earth. We have seen a massive transition in our world during tf Corona is Ortho Coronavirinae. This virus can be defined as respiratory disease and some intestinal problems are also caused for this virus. Sometimes, I think that the almighty has become so angry with mankind and we are affected by this virus as the outcome of God's wrath on us. Now, we are undergoing the second wave of this virus. We are losing our near and dear ones who suffer from this disease. This virus is affecting the younger age group of people. It is attacking children also. Nowadays, we see that people succumb to this disease within 2-4 days unlike the first wave of this virus. In the first wave, we got the time of 14 days for doing our treatment. The second wave is more fatal than the first one. Unbelievably, the severity of this virus is increasing day by day. We have lost our normal life due to this virus. But we can stop spreading this virus or we can also say that we can break the chain of this virus by following some health and fitness regime. we have to take a proper diet, we have to do physical exercises and give up laziness and inactivity. We ourselves are responsible for getting affected in a large number by this virus. We are welcoming this disease as we are not becoming enough conscious. Still now we are not maintaining social distance or not wearing our masks properly. Besides, we are not doing exercises and spending a lazy, dull life. We are taking a good lesson from this difficult situation that we shod be disciplined and love ourselves beside loving others we love and respect. We are all aware of the fact that this disease has a terrific power to ruin our lives and we must be positive. We should strengthen our minds to drive away this virus. we have to boost our immunity power to to fight against this deadly virus.
We should move our body parts to be active and improve our muscles. We should not sit in one place for hours together. In old days, people used to walk, they would do their house hold works on their own. Today, we are having so many advantages and our work loads have become zero. We are always in a relaxed mood and not doing our works on our own and even we do not want to move our body a little bit . We no more want to take a walk, to take stairs. Instead, we prefer to use lift, drive cars.
We should not forget that exercise helps to circulate blood in our body properly. It strengthens our muscles, it aids in supplying oxygen in a proper way in to our body. It makes our body flexible. It makes us strong so that we can fight against any kind of disease. It helps to improve our immune system. Covid or Novel corona virus seriously affects our respiratory system. Our lungs capacity is increased by doing exercises. AN optimistic attitude towards life with exercise can bring us a healthy life. exercise activates our heart muscles and therfore, our heart becomes able to pump blood smoothly. Exercise is good for each and every part of our body.
Covid virus causes a respiratory disease called ARDS. Its full form is Acute respiratory distress syndrome. It is a terrible lung injury in which breathing becomes very hard for the patient and enough oxygen can not get into the lungs.ARDS is produced by viral pneumonia. According to erj.ersjournals.com ARDS is viral pneumonia induced acute respiratory distress syndrome. This deadly covid is responsible for developing lung injury or ARDS complication that is seen to increase higher mortality rate. We can save ourselves by an antioxidant known as Ecsod . We know it as extracellular superoxide dismutase. This anti-oxidant can save us from ARDS and keep our lungs healthy. We all know that physical activities produce anti-oxidants and it is required to do some exercises that can aid to produce ECSOD.
3. Exercise can bring us a good mood or a happy mood
We all know that this pandemic has taken our happiness away from us. We are losing our jobs. We are going through stressful life and we are having some swings of mood. our mood is not always happy when we open the daily newspaper and see painful news that are created by Coronavirus. Exercise can improve our moods by producing such"happy hormones" or" feel-good" hormones. These hormones are dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin.
4.People with sedentary lifestyle may suffer the high risk of covid-19
when browsing through the internet, and doing research on my topic, I have come to know that people having a sedentary lifestyle are at twice risk of infection. Inactive people who love to do nothing except sitting and watching movies have a major risk to get infected quickly by this life-threatening virus. while doing exercises each and every organ of our body works and gets stimulated and energized. Then they have the power to fight diseases. A sedentary lifestyle invites diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc. This unhealthy situation can also bring depression. If anyone is having diabetes, heart problem, etc. corona will be more harmful to him or her. We should exercise regularly to reduce risk of covid-19
4. How should we exercise during covid-19 pandemic
Most of the offline yoga classes or gym centers have been closed during the severe spread of coronavirus. In this situation, people can not join the yoga classes or gym. We can go out for a morning or an evening walk. We can take a cycle and spin around our locality or ride on our cycles as far as we want to go. cycling is also an enjoyable exercise. Cycling or walking on the roads amongst nature is really joyful. We can also jog or run. We can do yoga at our homes. We can also do some other exercises. Those who attend office or doing work from home can get up from their chairs for five minutes and do some stretches and walk a few steps in their rooms or office.
5. How to exercise at home during covid-19
We are afraid of stepping out of our house during this pandemic. We are hesitating to go anywhere. There is a lockdown in some places also. In this kind of situation, we can take some workouts at our home. We can watch tv or some videos to learn Yogas and Pranayamas. There are so many Yoga or pranayama videos on the internet available. We can also join some online yoga and pranayama classes. We can also take a walk on roof of our houses. That is also a good exercise. We can also do some freehand exercises and stretches at home. We can start doing some household works such as sweeping and cleaning the floor, cleaning walls, furniture, etc. We can do some yoga asanas at our homes.
6. Yoga poses for increasing immunity against coronavirus
Yoga is the heritage of our India. We should do yoga on a
daily basis to improve our lifestyle and immune power. In ancient times, sages
used to do yoga poses. Yogas that can boost our immunity against deadly coronaviruses are----------
1. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)
2. Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)
3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
4. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)
5. Dhanurasana(Bow Pose)
6. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
7. Pawanmuktasana(wind release pose)
We can do some Pranayamas like Kapalbhati, Bhastika, Anulam-belom, Bhramri.
We can also do deep breathing.
7. Should I do Yoga during Covid?
We can do simple deep-breathing exercises if we have mild symptoms of covid. But we must consult with doctors before doing exercises when suffering from covid. The symptoms may be severe, then also we need a doctor's advice before doing any kind of exercise or yogas or pranayamas.