Incredible health benefits of yogurt
- Introduction
- what is yogurt
- Health benefits of yogurt
- yogurt helps in digestion
- yogurt controls blood pressure
- yogurt and diabetes
- yogurt/curd and calcium
- curd/yogurt for skin
- curd for hair
- curd and weeight loss
in our modern world, we have become so much busy in our work and for this reason, we are undergoing a stressful life. Our environment has become very much polluted we are becoming ill. But at the same time, we have made ourselves very much health-conscious which is a very good thing. We are learning about various diets, medicines, exercises in order to keep our health strong. The more we are physically or mentally strong, the more we can boost our immunity. There are so many nutritious foods that can keep various diseases away from us. There are many kinds of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc. Among dairy products, yogurt/curd is one of them which has so many surprising health benefits. Yogurt is also called curd. It is also called Dahi. In this blog, I have tried to incorporate advantage of yogurt . This blog topic is about eating yogurt daily. Yogurt is made from milk. If we have. Yogurt in our meals daily, it becomes a bit easy to fight diseases that come suddenly in our lives. Yogurt can be used as a diet of various diseases. If we can include two hundred to one hundred grams of Dahi/yogurt in our meals daily it will be Beneficial to us. We can keep ourselves free from diseases.
What is yogurt/curd?
Yogurt is also known as yoghurt which is obtained from milk. Bacterias help to ferment lactose and produce lactic acid. Mostly, we get or consume curd/yogurt made from cow,s milk. Yogurt/curd contains protein, fat, phosphorus, vitamin, vitaminB12, and many more nutritive ingredients. It is also a rich source of vitamin 'c'.Curd/dahi/yogurt also has a probiotic ingredient or helpful bacterias. These bacterias ruin harmful bacterias and thereby helps digestion. As a result, immunity is also boosted in our bodies.
Health benefits of yogurt
Yogurt/curd can be considered as a substitute of milk. If one is facing the problems of diarrhoea or stomach ache while consuming milk he/she can take curd or yogurt. Again, people who can not digest lactose in milk can take yogurt/curd. Surprising health benefits of curd are as follows------
Yogurt helps in Digestion
Nowadays, we can observe that most of the people are suffering from indigestion. Indigestion becomes some times painful. If our food is not digested properly, we can not have the nutrition value of those foods. Curd does not allow to accumulate toxins in our body. So, our stomach becomes clean and we are relieved from constipation. It helps us to get rid of irritable bowels and ulcers. Curd can be considered as a natural coolant that is responsible for improving taste along with digestion. There are some people who think that curd creates acids as it is soury. But, actually, curd destroys acid by digesting other foods. As a result, we can take curd freely without being worried about acid. Curd cures stomach ache. Curd can also cure different kinds of stomach infections. It helps to cure food poisoning including the symptom like dehydration.
Curd controls blood pressure
Yogurt is supposed to be good for you. It helps to control the problems of high blood pressure. It lowers the quantity of 'LDL' or bad cholesterol in our blood. Curd/yogurt may be good to fight the problems of heart disease or high blood pressure.
Yogurt and diabetes
Yogurt helps to control sugar level in our blood. Yogurt having probiotic ingredient is known to reduce Glucose level in blood. It helps espeially type-2 diabetic patients.
Yogurt and calcium
Among Dahi benefits, we can talk about calcium as onme of them. We all know that curd//yogurt/dahi is a rich source of vitamin 'c'. The women above 40 can have curd to get sufficient calcium for bones. Curd can prevent Osteoporosis. Curd is required to strengthen our bones. It is also good for our teeth. If we have to have strong teeth, we should consume curd. Curd also helps in strengthening muscles.
Curd for skin
In this blog, we will be knowing benefits of eating curd for skin. It is already mentioned that curd is enriched with vitamin 'c' and minerals. It can fight with the problems of acne. Acne or other skin problems may rise from gastrointestinal problems. We know that curd keeps our free from constipation and allied problems. So, we can get healthy skin from curd. Curd gives us a glowy, moisturized skin
Lactic acid present in curd cleans dead cells. Curd acts as an anti-aging ingredient on the skin. It helps to get rid of wrinkles. We can apply it on our skin As a face mask or face pack.
Curd and hair problems
Eating curd has some benefits. Curd also helps us in all kinds of hair and scalp problems. It removes the problem of itchiness of scalp and dandruff. Curd gives us smooth, shiny, and freeze-free hair. It gives a gloss to hair. Curd controls vitamin b5, zinc, magnesium.
curd helps in weight loss
Now, we will all discuss about curd and weight loss. Curd obstructs the hormones that are known for creating extra fat in our body. Calcium present in curd/dahi helps to reduce extra fat and curd can keep the level of BMI(Body mass index) accurately and manages extra weight.